Mike Turpin

Turpin is executive vice president and managing consultant at USI Insurance Services in New York. [email protected]
Still Hanging Together
Industry Still Hanging Together
Half of all industries die every 50 years, but we’re still here—an eclectic ...
October 1, 2013
Obama Takes on Chemical Plant Safety
Industry Obama Takes on Chemical Plant Safety
90-Day Deadline for New Regulations
September 1, 2013
Rough Riding Ahead
Health+Benefits Rough Riding Ahead
HHS is the engineer on a healthcare reform train that may be leaving the rails.
July 15, 2013
Black Hat Hospitals
Health+Benefits Black Hat Hospitals
Hospital billing practices often bear little relationship to the true cost of se...
April 19, 2013
Supplying the Rope
Health+Benefits Supplying the Rope
Will health insurance exchanges be the death of us because we are mishandling th...
March 27, 2013