Leslie Werstein Hann

Werstein Hann is editor at large of Leader's Edge magazine.
Have You Got What it Takes?
Brokerage Ops Have You Got What it Takes?
Innovative leadership training will help brokers accomplish what they never thou...
January 22, 2015
The Savacool File
Lifestyle The Savacool File
Kristi Savacool, CEO, Aon Hewitt
December 2, 2014
Crisis Cool
Industry Crisis Cool
From Boeing to Aon Hewitt, Kristi Savacool is cool in a pinch.
December 2, 2014
An Extremely Unique Bird
Industry An Extremely Unique Bird
Industry insiders wonder what role Berkshire Hathaway’s new commercial venture...
May 28, 2014
Americas’ Imported Taste
Industry Americas’ Imported Taste
Our insatiable appetite for imported fresh fruits and vegetables could be making...
January 27, 2014