Katie King

King is the vice president of health policy and strategy at The Council. She develops and coordinates programming, strategic initiatives, and advocacy work related to employee benefits-focused members. She also delivers business intelligence with a focus on healthcare and the employer-sponsored insurance market through The Council’s different content and meeting platforms. In addition, King oversees The Council of Employee Benefits Executives (CEBE) Advisory Committee. She graduated from the University of Richmond with degrees in Rhetoric & Communication Studies and English Literature and joined The Council in 2018 after completing a Master of Arts degree in Communication, Culture & Technology from Georgetown University.
What the
Health+Benefits What the "Phase 3," $2 trillion stimulus/COVID-19 response legislation means for the healthcare industry
While some argue that this legislation is not really an economic “st...
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Jumbo Employers Respond to Unemployment Threats
Health+Benefits Jumbo Employers Respond to Unemployment Threats
Notable efforts to stabilize their workforce, support small biz and inject capit...
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Cybersecurity Remains High Priority for Healthcare Institutions during COVID-19 Outbreak
P&C Cybersecurity Remains High Priority for Healthcare Institutions during COVID-19 Outbreak
Healthcare accounts for 41% of all data breaches.
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The Digital Health Industry Joins the Fight Against COVID-19
Health+Benefits The Digital Health Industry Joins the Fight Against COVID-19
Health-focused tech can make a difference in understanding and treating the nove...
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Easier Access to Health Data Is a Good Thing, Right?
Health+Benefits Easier Access to Health Data Is a Good Thing, Right?
New interoperability rules put consumers first, but what does it mean for employ...
March 17, 2020