Katie King

King is the vice president of health policy and strategy at The Council. She develops and coordinates programming, strategic initiatives, and advocacy work related to employee benefits-focused members. She also delivers business intelligence with a focus on healthcare and the employer-sponsored insurance market through The Council’s different content and meeting platforms. In addition, King oversees The Council of Employee Benefits Executives (CEBE) Advisory Committee. She graduated from the University of Richmond with degrees in Rhetoric & Communication Studies and English Literature and joined The Council in 2018 after completing a Master of Arts degree in Communication, Culture & Technology from Georgetown University.
DNA’s Day in Employee Benefits
Podcasts DNA’s Day in Employee Benefits
Leader’s Edge sat down with Wamberg Genomic Advisors’ (WGA) Chief Inn...
November 18, 2020
Human-Centered Healthcare
Health+Benefits Human-Centered Healthcare
The future of healthcare appears unaltered by COVID-19, but we’ll get there fa...
November 17, 2020
Runaway Freight Train
Health+Benefits Runaway Freight Train
Transparency alone isn’t enough to lower drug costs, but it’s a critical ste...
November 13, 2020
The Healthcare Divide
Health+Benefits The Healthcare Divide
Where Trump and Biden stand on key issues impacting affordability of and access ...
October 20, 2020
The Devil is in the (Data) Detail
Health+Benefits The Devil is in the (Data) Detail
Post-COVID healthcare delivery stress test to determine ability of U.S. system t...
October 6, 2020