David Tobenkin
Tobenkin is a contributing writer for Leader's Edge. [email protected]
Advantage, Medicare
Medicare Advantage, a private insurer alternative to traditional Medicare, is gr...
May 31, 2020
What’s Driving Liability Verdicts?
Some jurisdictions have been labeled “judicial hellholes” by the American To...
March 2, 2020
Panic! In the Courtroom
Jurors in liability trials are granting ever larger awards to plaintiffs. The tr...
March 1, 2020
Brokerage Ops
This Is Your Data
Data standards: they may not be dazzling, but we're going nowhere without them.
November 1, 2019
Will You Still Need Me When I’m 64?
As the largest ever cohort of older employees, baby boomers are testing the heal...
May 24, 2019