Chris Hann

Hann is associate editor of Leader's Edge magazine.
Liz Smith, President, Assurance, Schaumburg
Lifestyle Liz Smith, President, Assurance, Schaumburg
I gained a great deal of knowledge and had a bigger impact because of some of th...
November 30, 2015
Tom Grealish, President, Henderson Brothers
Lifestyle Tom Grealish, President, Henderson Brothers
We created one of the funniest buildings in America. I want you to know quotes f...
October 30, 2015
Steve DeCarlo, CEO, AmWINS
Lifestyle Steve DeCarlo, CEO, AmWINS
We're geared toward being a 150-year firm, and therefore we are willing to inves...
September 23, 2015
The Henry File
Lifestyle The Henry File
Meet Bill Henry, CEO, McQueary Henry Bowles Troy
August 27, 2015
Matt DeFendis, Principal, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Brokers
Lifestyle Matt DeFendis, Principal, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Brokers
I just bought a guitar. If I told you where I bought it, you would laugh.
August 27, 2015