Workers Compensation

What’s Hiding in Your Data?
Industry What’s Hiding in Your Data?
Liberty Mutual is using big data to combat costs and fraud in workers comp claim...
Sponsored By Liberty Mutual October 6, 2016
Architects of Fear
Brokerage Ops Architects of Fear
Workplace shootings: big threat or media hype?
May 2, 2016
Who’s Really Paying for Workers Comp?
Industry Who’s Really Paying for Workers Comp?
Employers shift costs to workers and Uncle Sam.
March 23, 2016
Workers Comp Alternative
P&C Workers Comp Alternative
A new group presses for competition to traditional workers comp.
January 22, 2015
Defiance and Retaliation
Industry Defiance and Retaliation
Iowa’s former workers comp commissioner squares off against governor alleging ...
November 27, 2014
Finding the Real Culprit
Health+Benefits Finding the Real Culprit
The truth behind rising workers comp costs.
November 27, 2014
Buck Shot
P&C Buck Shot
The economic risks of guns: insurers and government shoulder the burden.
April 1, 2014
Uncertain Disaster
P&C Uncertain Disaster
Workers comp carriers face a murky future if TRIA is not extended.
March 1, 2014
Pay Attention to Workers Comp Now, or Pay Later
Brokerage Ops Pay Attention to Workers Comp Now, or Pay Later
Even if you discount a potential NFL time bomb, employers will soon have to pay ...
February 11, 2012
$1 Billion Time Bomb
Industry $1 Billion Time Bomb
Decades of ignoring safety catches up to the NFL.
February 11, 2012