
Connecting the Dots
Industry Connecting the Dots
Q&A with Vikram Mansharamani, Author and Global Trend Watcher
February 28, 2021
Congress Considers Infrastructure Package
P&C Congress Considers Infrastructure Package
Without bipartisan support, what alternatives are there for rebuilding, and wher...
February 9, 2021
Blessed be the Moderates, for They Shall Prevail
Industry Blessed be the Moderates, for They Shall Prevail
The two-minute drill on Congress, the administration, and what the he%$ happened...
February 8, 2021
Do Bipartisan Healthcare Cost Solutions Exist?
Health+Benefits Do Bipartisan Healthcare Cost Solutions Exist?
A D.C. insider’s perspective on the chances of major drug pricing and ACA refo...
February 2, 2021
Michael Murphy
Industry Michael Murphy
On what’s next for Donald Trump and the Republican Party, Biden’s cabinet pi...
January 20, 2021
David Axelrod
Health+Benefits David Axelrod
On the future of the ACA, prescription drugs, pollsters, and whether Mitch McCon...
January 20, 2021
Our Year of Coverage in 60 Seconds
Industry Our Year of Coverage in 60 Seconds
2020 pushed the world to its limits. Leader’s Edge covered it all.
December 23, 2020
Kabuki Theater, Crazy Lawsuits, Insane Tweets: Our Conversation with Mike Murphy
Podcasts Kabuki Theater, Crazy Lawsuits, Insane Tweets: Our Conversation with Mike Murphy
The Council's Joel Wood goes unplugged with Republican political consultant Mike...
December 21, 2020
On the Mic with David Axelrod
Podcasts On the Mic with David Axelrod
The Council's Joel Wood follows up with political analyst David Axelrod for an e...
December 14, 2020
President Trump’s Healthcare Legacy
Health+Benefits President Trump’s Healthcare Legacy
What Trump’s Executive Orders tell us about the future of U.S. healthcare refo...
December 11, 2020