Client Service

Revolutionizing the Insurance Value Chain
Industry Revolutionizing the Insurance Value Chain
Q&A with John Simpson, President & CEO, Patra
Sponsored By Patra August 26, 2020
Four Must-Haves for Agency Modernization
Brokerage Ops Four Must-Haves for Agency Modernization
Vertafore's SVP for Corporate Development & Strategy James Thom discusses the im...
Sponsored By Vertafore July 8, 2020
6 Reasons to Consider Insurance BPOs
Brokerage Ops 6 Reasons to Consider Insurance BPOs
Brooke Whitney, Patra sales solution consultant for employee benefits, and Jessi...
Sponsored By Patra May 31, 2020
Industry Bolero!
I’ve had my fair share of time to think about leadership over the past few wee...
April 27, 2020
Forced Innovation: A Catalyst for Insurtech Adoption?
P&C Forced Innovation: A Catalyst for Insurtech Adoption?
In the midst of a global pandemic, will forced innovation emerge as a silver lin...
April 22, 2020
Digital Relationships, Small Business, and Advising from Afar
Brokerage Ops Digital Relationships, Small Business, and Advising from Afar
Q&A with Amy Zupon, CEO of Vertafore
April 21, 2020
The COVID Diaries: Reflections from China and Italy
Brokerage Ops The COVID Diaries: Reflections from China and Italy
Q&A with Yichen Zhang, Assistant Manager, Global Networks, Continental Insur...
April 7, 2020
Balancing Act
Industry Balancing Act
It takes a new level of EQ to lead in times of crisis.
March 25, 2020
Panic! In the Courtroom
Industry Panic! In the Courtroom
Jurors in liability trials are granting ever larger awards to plaintiffs. The tr...
March 1, 2020
3 Rules of Good Gift-Giving
Brokerage Ops 3 Rules of Good Gift-Giving
Brokers can make more of an impression this year by following three simple rules...
December 11, 2019