Cover Story
September 2018
Quiet Your Mind
Clear your head and lead in the moment: a Q&A with Kevin Davis.
Fit for Service
Veterans are highly skilled, hard working and collaborative. How can they flourish in your company?
The Trading Game
Trade credit and political risk insurance encourage global trade flows and investment in an increasingly volatile world.
Thought Leaders
The Big Data Revolution—Is It Our Turn?
The information is out there. What are you doing with it?
Asking for a Friend
There are some questions you may be apprehensive to ask in public, but the answers are important.
Today’s Leadership Challenge
Take a step back and reflect…on you.
More In This Issue
Statistics prove that engaging employees in mindfulness training could be a fact...
Kathleen Savio, CEO, Zurich North America, Schaumburg
Always be on the lookout for opportunities. You can find them, and sometimes you can make them.
Aruba: Two Islands in One
Aruba offers surprising adventures if you look past the typical tourist spots.