Cover Story
March 2017
Startups Startin’ Somethin’
Insurtech incites business revolution. It won't be long before insurtech is driving the bus, but you can navigate if you get up to speed.
Born from the Ashes of Crisis
PAR’s E&O program saved many firms and thrives today, changing constantly to meet new middle-market threats.
Callous Capitalism
Clients, millennials and workers are losing faith in the heartless corporate culture. Can the insurance industry actually be the solution?
Thought Leaders
The First Mile vs. The Last Mile
Targeted investment in client outreach versus an incoming freshmen or JV squad i...
Customer for Life
My own journey through the claims process.
The Good, the Bad and…the Potentially Ugly?
And we’re still trying to figure out exactly what it is.
The Vision Test
Don’t be blindsided by your inner, self-inflicted visionary.
Give Them Their Due
When you trust the firm on the other side of the table, you can be tempted to just shake on it.
More In This Issue
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Jason Bogart's Des Moines, Iowa
Des Moines is definitely upbeat. There is a lot of development happening in our ...
INDULGE: Beer Is Back in Birmingham
German immigrant Philipp Schillinger opened Birmingham’s f...
Accelerating Innovation
Q&A with John Heveran, SVP, CIO, Commercial Insurance, Liberty Mutual