Brokerage Ops
Current Issue
Cover Story
April 2020
Back in Fashion
Great wealth and greater risk drive growth and M&A in personal lines.
Russ Banham
Alternative Capital and Brokerage? Still Going Strong
Q&A with Amrit David, Managing Director in the Investment Bank at Barclays
M&A Utopia
Last year remained record-setting in brokerage M&A, and most signs point to more in 2020.
The Power of the Payer
Experts say now’s the time for employers to use their leverage to fight mega-market players.
We're Definitely Curious
Brokerages want to check an insurtech’s industry conformation before buying the whole hog.
Thought Leaders
Soft Landing?
Several indicators weigh against a sustained hard market.
In considering integration issues, the nature of the obligations that will be imposed on either the acquirer or the acquired also may expand post merger.
Brokerage Ops
It Comes Down to Culture
Brexit: Mergers as Usual
While U.K. brokerages remain in a delicate position, some strategic M&A has been occurring globally.
Cyber Consulting Could Save Your Clients’ Business
Buying a cyber policy doesn’t ensure a business stays open after an attack.
Insurtech Farm
Satellite and drone imagery are improving yields and reducing costs for farmers and insurers.
Tech Plants Its Seeds in Farming
Q&A with Rom Aviv, Managing Director, Head of Insurance, Agritask
Vital Signs
Good PT Is Great Rx
Q&A with Mary O’Donoghue, Chief Clinical and Product Officer, MedRisk
Balancing Act
It takes a new level of EQ to lead in times of crisis.
Mapping a Better Candidate Journey
Creating an Amazon-like recruiting experience is your first step.
Bloodied but Unbowed
The ILS market emerges from growing pains stronger than ever.
More In This Issue
Party Like It's 1999...in Miami Beach
South Beach knows how to throw a party.
A Grand Setting Meets a Good Time in Miami Beach
If Miami Beach is on your bucket list, be sure to soak in th...
Stay, Eat, Do: Miami Beach
Beachfront luxury
Seasoned Traveler
Brenda Rose's Toronto
Toronto is a city of many parts. Get out and explore!
Personal Lines
Kyle Lingscheit, CEO and President, PayneWest Insurance
The best part of being a leader is you have the ability to create an environment where people can thrive and succeed.
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