The ability to quickly and easily adapt to change is said to be a competitive advantage for a leader. In the age of COVID-19, it is a business imperative.
The COVID-19 outbreak is unprecedented in many ways. Just a few months ago, it was a news story seemingly contained in Wuhan, China. Now, it’s everywhere, with the health and safety of our customers, partners, staff and their families on the line. The numbers are unsettling—not only because of the multiplication of confirmed cases and deaths but also because of the likely thousands of cases that haven’t yet been reported or discovered. By the time you are reading this, there is 100% certainty that things have changed—and probably not for the better. When this magazine went to print, the virus was just in its infancy here in the United States.
The uncertainty over the disease and how widespread it’s becoming poses various challenges across populations and industries. I have always believed that challenging situations provide unique opportunities for us to step back and think differently about how we work.
And so, like you, we recalibrated. It has been a few weeks now since our office has gone completely remote. Although what we do every day personally and professionally has been disrupted in so many ways, our focus continues to be on you, our members, so we can be an impactful partner. I know you are doing the same for your clients and employees, and I applaud you for leading by example.
I know it hasn’t been easy. We’re all worried about our families. We’re all worried about our friends. We’re worried about each other. I’ve found that learning how to do new things in new ways as the firehose continues to unleash is a true test of leadership. Nothing has been the same from day to day, and I’ve found that it’s focusing me on what is really important. It’s a whole new level of EQ that I didn’t realize existed.
In the midst of it all, I believe that, as you change and adjust to the needs of your family, you can also do the same for your organization. If you pull your team in one direction, some amazing changes are going to occur. If everyone can hold onto their core values, it may help illuminate the path ahead. They may be difficult to see now, but out of this crisis will come opportunities for what we do and how we do it. Being adaptable is step one.
We are privileged to serve you, your employees, and your clients. We wish you well and look forward to seeing you soon.