Brokerage Ops Technosavvy the October 2015 issue

Engage the Customer

Reid French, CEO, Applied Systems
By Michael Fitzpatrick Posted on October 1, 2015
Why is multichannel engagement important for agents and brokers?
Most people define multichannel engagement as being able to interact with the customer via the Web, mobile apps, Twitter or Facebook, phone and fax as well as in person. The expectation of the customer is that agencies and brokerages will be able to interact with the insured whenever and however they would like.

One thing that is really important for agencies and brokerages to realize is that this is not “either or.” People say, “I don’t want to create an online environment for my customer base because I’d rather keep that personal touch.” But you won’t lose any part of that personal touch by setting up an online vehicle for people to do transactions. You’re offering them another way to interact, another way for them to communicate with you.

Why should brokers and agents use a multichannel approach?
Many of your customers will love it and embrace it. They will use it. A multichannel engagement approach that leverages technology to do transactions over the Web or via a mobile app is much less expensive than having a person take down information to update client information. When Internet banking first came out, there were lots of people who were huge doubters. You flash forward to today, and you can’t imagine banking without the Internet.

The stickiness of multichannel engagement is very important. Once clients start using it, they love it, and they don’t want to leave. Today, we have about 1,000 agencies that use that platform, which means there are tens of thousands that don’t yet. It’s a competitive differentiator for those brokerages that go after this approach. We do have agencies that think their clients will never use this. The statistics don’t support that.

What are some of the pitfalls?
The key to effectiveness around multichannel engagement is not to take the approach of “I am going to put a button on my website that says ‘client portal,’ and my customers will automatically show up, click that button, use their login and start using it.” That is not a best practice.

The if-you-build-it-they-will-come approach is really not the best approach. The best approach is to market this as a differentiator, to engage your customers when you sign new clients, to provide them with their details and walk them through to show them how to use it effectively. A little bit of hand-holding to start is absolutely critical.

What’s the bottom line for brokers and agents?
This is the capability that agencies and brokerages need to embrace in order to enhance their competitive value and connect to their customers. It is one of the best ways to continue to modernize and delight their end customers. Do you think for a minute that the customer of tomorrow is only going to want to deal with you via phone or in person or fax or email? I don’t see it.
Michael Fitzpatrick Technology Editor Read More

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